
At Sol Psychology, we offer specialized trauma therapy to help you heal and transform your life, providing the support and techniques needed to overcome the lasting effects of trauma.

we're here to empower you

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It's time to



trauma Into Strength

into strength

Trauma is a deeply distressing experience that can overwhelm an individual’s ability to cope, often resulting from events like accidents, natural disasters, violence, or abuse. Its effects can be profound and lasting, impacting mental, emotional, and physical well-being. At Sol Psychology, we recognize that trauma manifests in various forms, from acute trauma resulting from a single event to complex trauma from prolonged exposure to distress. Understanding the different types of trauma, such as developmental, secondary, intergenerational, and identity-based trauma, is crucial for providing effective support. Our compassionate and specialized therapy services are designed to help you navigate the challenges of trauma, empowering you to reclaim your life and well-being. Take the first step towards healing; you are not alone, and help is available.


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This type of trauma results from discrimination, prejudice, or oppression based on aspects of a person’s identity, such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, or disability. Identity-based trauma can lead to feelings of shame, alienation, and psychological distress, impacting individuals’ self-esteem and sense of belonging.

Identity-Based Trauma


Intergenerational Trauma

This refers to trauma that is passed down through generations within families or communities, often resulting from historical or cultural traumas like genocide, slavery, or displacement. Intergenerational trauma can influence individuals’ beliefs, behaviors, and mental health, even if they did not directly experience the traumatic events themselves.


Also known as vicarious trauma, this type of trauma occurs when individuals are exposed to the traumatic experiences of others, such as healthcare workers, first responders, or therapists. Secondary trauma can lead to symptoms like compassion fatigue, burnout, and emotional distress due to prolonged exposure to others’ suffering.


Secondary Trauma

Developmental Trauma

This occurs during critical periods of development, such as childhood or adolescence, and can result from experiences like abuse, neglect, or unstable family environments. Developmental trauma can impact cognitive, emotional, and social development, leading to issues like attachment disorders, behavioral problems, and low self-esteem.


Chronic Trauma

Also known as complex trauma, this type of trauma stems from prolonged exposure to stressful or traumatic situations, such as ongoing abuse, neglect, or living in a war zone. Chronic trauma can have enduring effects on an individual’s mental and emotional well-being, often leading to symptoms like depression, PTSD, and difficulty forming healthy relationships.


Acute Trauma

This results from a single distressing event, such as a car accident, natural disaster, or violent assault. Acute trauma can lead to symptoms like shock, anxiety, and difficulty coping in the immediate aftermath of the event.



understanding What


Can look like

a closer look into trauma


You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.

— Maya Angelou

happy client

"Dr. Kazemsoltani (Dr.Sol) has a warm and welcoming personality that makes her easy to connect with. She quickly established a space where I felt safe sharing my life experiences. She has seen me through big and small problems: life decisions to breathing techniques to help me get through a difficult day."

"Dr. Sol has a warm personality... i felt safe sharing my life experiences." 

happy client

"I didn’t look for Dr.Sol, but damn am I thankful to whoever sent her to me. Her counsel and compassion allow me to exercise the insight and wisdom my life needs. She is the most important part of my team (yes, I consider her a part of my team)." 

"Dr. Sol's Counsel allows me to exercise the insight my life needs." 

happy client

"Dr. Sol is highly skilled, insightful, reliable, and incredibly thoughtful. It is clear that she cares deeply about the well-being of her client. She has had a profoundly positive impact on my life, and I cannot recommend her highly enough."

"Dr. Sol has had a profound impact on my life." 

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Promoting Self-Compassion & Empowerment

Through therapy, individuals learn to cultivate self-compassion, self-awareness, and self-empowerment. They gain a deeper understanding of their strengths, values, and resilience, allowing them to reclaim agency over their lives and pursue meaningful goals and aspirations.


Trauma can erode trust in oneself and others, making it difficult to form and maintain healthy relationships. Therapy provides a space to explore trust issues and develop healthy boundaries, communication skills, and intimacy-building techniques.


Rebuilding Relationships

Building Coping Skills

Therapy equips individuals with coping skills and strategies to manage distressing emotions and reactions. This may include learning relaxation techniques, mindfulness exercises, and effective communication skills to navigate challenging situations and relationships.


Processing Memories

Trauma therapy techniques like CBT, EMDR, and somatic experiencing help individuals process traumatic memories and sensations. By revisiting these experiences in a controlled setting, individuals can gradually reduce their emotional and physiological responses to trauma triggers.


Creating A Safe Space

Imagine waking up each day feeling like you’re stepping onto a battlefield, except the battle is within your own mind. Anxiety can manifest as a relentless stream of worries, doubts, and fears, making even the simplest tasks feel daunting.


Therapy provides a safe and supportive environment where individuals can explore their experiences, emotions, and reactions without fear of judgment or harm. This safe space allows for honest self-reflection and healing.





Tool to

here is how it can help


be A

& Resilience


Take back control

Of Your Life

& start your


Journey to

And start your

Sol Psychology is founded by Dr. Poneh Kazemsoltani and serves the Chicago, California area and beyond. We offer an array of psychological, services that have an integrative approach centered around CBT and mindfulness.  

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