
At Sol Psychology, we offer compassionate support and effective therapy to help you overcome depression and reclaim a life filled with joy and peace.

you're not alone

It's time to find
light in the darkness

It's time to
 find light in the darkness

& Overcome Depression

Living with depression is like navigating through a dense fog, where even the simplest tasks can feel overwhelming. But you don't have to journey through this alone. At Sol Psychology, we understand the profound weight, emptiness, and exhaustion that depression brings. Our compassionate team is here to help you break free from the prison of negative thoughts and the isolation that depression imposes. We believe that with the right support, treatment, and self-care, you can find light in the midst of darkness. Take the first step towards reclaiming your life, joy, and peace. You are not alone, and we are here to guide you every step of the way


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The Mask

Many people with depression become adept at wearing a mask, hiding their true feelings behind a facade of normalcy. On the outside, everything may seem fine, but inside, it’s a different story altogether.

The Battle of Function

Simple tasks become monumental challenges when you’re living with depression. Even basic self-care activities like showering or eating can feel like Herculean feats, requiring immense effort and willpower.


Depression robs you of joy and interest in the things you once loved. Activities that used to bring pleasure now feel like chores, and the world loses its color and vibrancy.

The Loss of Interest


The Isolation

Despite the desire for connection, depression can lead to social withdrawal and isolation. It’s hard to explain to others why you feel this way, leading to feelings of loneliness and alienation from those around you.


Depression is often accompanied by a constant barrage of negative thoughts and self-criticism. It’s like being trapped in a prison of your own mind, where every thought is tainted by hopelessness and despair.


A Prison of Negative Thoughts

The Endless Exhaustion

Depression drains you of energy, leaving you feeling exhausted both physically and mentally. No amount of sleep or rest seems to alleviate the fatigue, and even the simplest activities can feel like climbing a mountain.


The Emptiness Inside

One of the most pervasive feelings of depression is emptiness. It’s like there’s a void inside you that nothing can fill – not hobbies, not relationships, not even success. It’s a profound sense of numbness and disconnection from the world around you.


The Weight Of Darkness

Depression isn’t just feeling sad or down; it’s like carrying an immense weight on your shoulders every day. It’s a heaviness that permeates every aspect of life, making even getting out of bed feel like an insurmountable task.



The Daily


of depression

a closer look into depression


Even the darkest night will end, and the sun will rise.

— victor hugo

happy client

"Dr. Kazemsoltani (Dr.Sol) has a warm and welcoming personality that makes her easy to connect with. She quickly established a space where I felt safe sharing my life experiences. She has seen me through big and small problems: life decisions to breathing techniques to help me get through a difficult day."

"Dr. Sol has a warm personality... i felt safe sharing my life experiences." 

happy client

"I didn’t look for Dr.Sol, but damn am I thankful to whoever sent her to me. Her counsel and compassion allow me to exercise the insight and wisdom my life needs. She is the most important part of my team (yes, I consider her a part of my team)." 

"Dr. Sol's Counsel allows me to exercise the insight my life needs." 

happy client

"Dr. Sol is highly skilled, insightful, reliable, and incredibly thoughtful. It is clear that she cares deeply about the well-being of her client. She has had a profoundly positive impact on my life, and I cannot recommend her highly enough."

"Dr. Sol has had a profound impact on my life." 

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Long-Term Recovery

Therapy focuses not only on symptom relief but also on promoting long-term recovery and resilience. Therapists help clients develop skills and strategies to prevent relapse, cope with future challenges, and maintain overall mental health and well-being.


Therapy emphasizes the importance of self-care practices in managing depression. Therapists work with clients to develop self-care routines that prioritize physical health, relaxation, and emotional well-being.

Addressing Self-Care


Building Support Networks

Therapy provides an opportunity for individuals to build a strong support network and improve their communication and interpersonal skills. Therapists can help clients develop healthier relationships, set boundaries, and seek support from friends, family, or support groups.


Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is particularly effective for depression and involves identifying and challenging negative thought patterns. Therapists help clients reframe negative thoughts, replace them with more realistic and balanced beliefs, and develop healthier ways of interpreting and responding to situations.


Cognitive Restructuring

Behavioral Activation

Therapy often includes behavioral activation techniques, which involve scheduling and engaging in enjoyable and fulfilling activities. By reintroducing pleasurable activities into their lives, individuals can gradually increase their level of activity and improve their mood.


Learning Coping Strategies

Therapists teach practical coping skills to help individuals manage their symptoms of depression on a day-to-day basis. These may include techniques for managing negative thought patterns, relaxation exercises, mindfulness practices, and problem-solving strategies.


Identifying Underlying Issues

Imagine waking up each day feeling like you’re stepping onto a battlefield, except the battle is within your own mind. Anxiety can manifest as a relentless stream of worries, doubts, and fears, making even the simplest tasks feel daunting.


Therapy provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals to explore and understand the underlying causes of their depression. By examining past experiences, traumas, and patterns of thinking, therapists can help clients uncover the root causes of their depression and work through unresolved emotions.



Your Life

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& Joy


Take back control

Of Your Life

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Journey to

And start your

Sol Psychology is founded by Dr. Poneh Kazemsoltani and serves the Chicago, California area and beyond. We offer an array of psychological, services that have an integrative approach centered around CBT and mindfulness.  

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